Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Its Only The 1st

Hey you people out there? Hows 2010 for you all so far? Hope is all good alrite...

And here we go...
Alhamdullilah 2010 isnt a bad one.

Attachment have alrdy started. Attached at Marina Mandarin Hotel as AV technician. Ok lah. Nothing good or bad just ok. Pays all good. Workload aint that bad at all. Just one catch, 6 days a week - 8 hrs per day. Tada! well and my off day aint on a weekend so now weekend equates to *poofs*. Also with this attachment equates to gaining weight like no ones business all i do is eat. Cool or what right? All and all work is okay... Just waiting for the 1st pay cheque to come. From there will see how it goes alright...

Im missing quite a big chunk of things Ncc, Fityan, WJLA! woah... Needs alot of catch up this shift thingy aint that friendly to my timing...

Eg Next week working at 3 till 11 maybe 12? and my off is on a thursday gosh.. there goes the weekend!

OK for the record those people who have yet to watch Avatar please do so! haha Its one Awesome movie!!! well i watch it for like alot of time! so yeah Go go go! Cause thats how i ended 2009... Just loving watching movie nowadays.

Yeap thats all the things so far... It has been a good one... InsyaAllah a fruitful and great year Amin...

This means so much to me. Each time I look into your eyes. I see us and the future. It seems so easy and this ride its only the beginning.
Its what deep within. Whatever happens you have my word that I will always Love You! Insyallah...
A whole new chapter of Yellow Eyes Purple Smile.

A short one! Cheerious

Well thats it for now

I wanna call the stars Down from the sky I wanna live a day That never dies I wanna change the world Only for you All the impossible I wanna do

Well till here then

To be continue