Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting All Blury

Its been a month to 2010 now. Everything seems to take its place now. Well one things for sure Change is the word. Alhamdullilah. From what I see everyone wants to change for the better. It got me thinking, everyone changing but why not me. Looking back the things that i have done. One things for sure I aint what im suppose to be. And yet I still take pride and say Im a mosque youth. May Allah bestow His Hidayah. InsyaAllah Amin!

Im glad in the midst of all this missing I can still depend on someone to help me 'catch-up'. Its only one month but i feel im losing out in alot of things. Family, friends and love ones.

Into the second month now. Alhamdullilah I've get the hang of things here. The workload which varies from nothing to alot of work. To the boredness of waiting and also rushing to get things done. Catching late nite trains is a breeze now. Sitting in train frm City Hall to Jurong East (red line) is a norm! Khekhekhekhe
I should say that i have to learn to bersyukur. As simple as that. While others are working their ass off for attachment. Mine, i consider as just passing the time.
With polytechnic application coming up. Ive made up my mind to actually go to Rp. Why you might ask? Well ask about my results in ITE then you know why! and also the course that I initially have interest 2 yrs Ago is there. Time to go for your passion Insya-Allah.


Every Tuesday Nite (After Margrib
Masjid Kassim (Dewan Solat)
cant remember the title but a weekly Class also
Ustaz Noor Deros

-Every Wednesday Nite (After Isyak)
Masjid Almukminin (Dewan Solat)
"70 dosa-dosa besar"
Ustaz Md Firdaous Bin Abd Rashiff

-Every Friday( After Margrib)
Masjid Assyakirin (Auditorum Lvl 2)
Fardhu Ain for Teens
Ustaz Md Firdaous Bin Abd Rashiff

-Every Friday(After Margrib)
Masjid Ennaeem
Y.O.U.R Night (Spirtual-tainment hang out session)
Ustaz Noor Deros

Fityan Assyakirin

Our Yearly BBQ event with a twist!

You know I want to change. Its just I always forget the dont's. Forgive me alright. Pray for me that I will be better. To be wary of my actions. Hope that you dont loose faith in me. With you, my family and the others Insya-allah. I shall be the guy that who guides someone to right path.
"Bukan nikmat yang sementara, tetapi nikmat yang kekal" Amin.
Guide me will you ? =)

May Allah Bless you readers out there...

Time to check on my Amals


Well thats it for now

Mencari KeredhaanNya.

Till here then

To be continued...