Saturday, January 2, 2010

Too Oh Ten!

Hey Ho!

Since its a new year i shall start a fresh and start to blog again...
Happy New Year One and all...

For a start people will have resolution or what not... who gives a shiat about all that? right tell me how many people actually follow their resolution for the year right? hahs well maybe there are some. For that 'Some' group of people kudos then! haha but people like me nahh i'll pass...

So whats 2009 for me.

(Its gg to be all over cause i cant really remember things in order)

Patience and wait that pays of for me. Thats to sum up everything. Besides that lost? Relatives passed on and made me realise life aint that long people. One minute we can be happily sitting laughing and all next thing you know poof can just go. When its time its time. haizz  Well my NCC career so call take its chill moment during 2009. Yeah supossedly to concentrate on my studies but hack results wasnt on myside too GPA did drop and struggled with attandance. Debarred actually was a real threat this time. Fears was there then. hmm somehow i cant reflect on what happen during 2009. STM. ill try!
Closer with cousin from my dad side. Family spirit was in for quite sometime. WJLA had its up and down! Fityan Assyakirin had Ups and Downs too. New Excos joined the team. New faces on the members side too!  Asian Youth Games was the peak for 2009! Well I made a friend from Brunei. And for the 1st time stayed in a Singapore hotel for free! how cool is that. Early morning duty. Fun and happy moments during duty.! Just plain awesome!Kite Flying became a hobby! and random outs became a norm!  Arghh as much as I want to type alot here I cant. All thanks to this thing call STM!

One things for sure. I met Her.

Well it was a simple sweet smile that caught my eye. Started by a simple msn chat. Then nature worked its way out. Next minute we're going out. It was all smiles. Of course there were small fights quarrel but yeah its still strong. Its Deep inside our hearts! Yellow Eyes Purple Smile. Blueks Bleargh was part of our vocab! Khekhe became my laughters! Yeah all and all... Her...

Im sorry for all I have done that hurt you before this all the dissapointments empty promises that I made. Im sorry. As much I want things to happen the outings all butsometimes I just cant. I love you and I mean it! You know that!.. Its going to be hard for us this year. I hope you will have faith in me  and go through this year together by myside. We may not be able to meet like we use to but you know I will always remember you! And i hope you do too! I will try to find sometime for you which I'm sure I can! Whenever your'e down jsut remember you are not alone! We've been through the 1st one together ? so this one Im sure you can nail it again. Trust me you can! InsyaAllah!

Well thats it for now

Cause I love you and I miss you, hearing your voice is the closest thing to touching you...

Till here then

To be continued...