Sunday, November 9, 2008

What am i going to do now?

ok.. its been quite a while since i blogged...

everthing actually kind a messed up.. well made a wrong move.. and i gotta live with it..

Make a decision and dont look back...

So yeah.. i'll just live with it for now and try not to screw up anymore... for once i trying my best not to pin point blames on anyone.. but to myself... been emoing this past few days but hey like what my gd fren said...

we shouldnt dwell on things but to learn from it and move on...

Since my last post... the days have been quite horrid... everything is just so so wrong.. well everyone said that its just me.. well maybe true.. i myself not quite sure... nothing feels alright..

losing everything 1stly my passion... well ncc doesnt burns me anymore... its just another activity for me... I've lost everythink that i could think off..

Still holding on storng to this line..

No sacrifice No victory! but the irony is.. how can i have victory when i have nothing to sacrifice.. Friends leaving me all alone... just like before... when i go to school.. study or daze and then goes home after that.. stayed at hme.. the whole day.. my old life.. when people used to hate me or exile me.. at that point of time only Ncc held me up.. but now.. i see nothing in anything i do.. there is just people trying to kill it.. when i think i had it going... but in the end i have nothing.. nothing at all...

So much for being brothers... i just dunnoe what to do now... i screwed up NCC.. and fityan.. well still ok for now... Insyaallah i'll stay storng and well thats the only thing thats keeping me alive...

Well best guy fren how bout that???... well i expected it... well jsut have to move on.. im onl9 17 and still have a long journey ahead.. lets just take a step at a time... and try to just do something correct and useful for once...

having amazing race this coming Sun.. and change of command selctions this friday... campin around the corner... alot happpening...

Apparently some folks just dont care about me no more.. so i'll just have to follow what my good fren said.. if they dont want u there the just moved on... no point begging or wat to be part of them...

been nice But I have to go now...
Thank you all those who have helped me.
its time for me to go...

Well thats it for now

Life dont always go your way.If yours do, then its not life... Think About it...

Well till here then

To be continued...