Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thank You All...


Back.. quite a while since i came in here...

alot had happened and going to happen i think... Now i realise and gotta admit.. its me who has been making alot of mistakes and all but hey... just gotta make sure i learn from each of the mistake the i had made and will make.

Let Me start by Thanking my Campin platoon!( abit outdated) but hey by far the best platooN that i have taken as a PC... Juliet 4!!!
Thank You each and one of u guys who had made the Campin a huge success... not to forget the nice and long appraisal that u guys had written.. i still have them with me each and everyone of u guys! and girls..! Most memorable Camp! If i were to elaborate.. it wouldnt end!..

Next CoC! ( Change Of Command)..
Yup For those of u guys who still didnt know.. Ncc has a new commandant! COL Adrian Koh
A Commando and Airbourne ranger how bout that...!
Yeah I was the Contingent Commander 2ic i mean!.. yeap by far the worst parade that ive been too as the rehearsals and the weather seriously ouch... most of us actually all of us was bathing in our own perspiration. Being a contingent commander is quite boring actually! Flag party still the best!!

Next Up 56th Coc..

another great parade.. was supposed to be in it.. i let rafiq to be in it... while i be the reserve for it.. as planned but somehow.. when i was about to execute my plan... everthing when haywire... that nite wasnt the nite.. but nevertheless the celebration continues.. at the MpH! WJLA-O bros was awesome we had our group photo and all.. it was awesome!!!
Theres a vid too... yeah i had my share of fun and laughterss!!!

And yeah thats abt it what been happening...
ouh ya thnks for the taggs! reply to it soon!!

Year 2008 has been A real roller coaster ride... i began to understand whats life about now.. the thick and thin of life itself...
What matters most to me now my Family and friends!!!
I learn how to make sure that i learnt from my mistakes.. and change myself...
Credits to my WJLA Productions.. i think without them i still cant fine my trueself...
And also i hope that i will have someone to share this joy with me.. hmm little wonders..
Ever since that Wednesday!! i was the date... just a simple action and i felt something that ive never felt before Love at first sight... only God know how i felt at that point of time...
This is the part which is so true.. it will come when u least expected!
I just hope that my heart doesnt fail me like it always did...

"Jikalau betul dialah untukku maka dekatkan lah hati nya dengan hati ku Ya Allah!"

But i wouldnt want to rush things.. get to know her. her life well if things might work out You will never know...
lets just let it unfold on its own.. and will see whats going to happen!
On that note.. i would like to thank one and all for making mylife more meaningful now... life was once meaningless for me... but now things change.. and im sorry if i had hurt anyone along the way... i will do my best to change whats wrong and improve to the best of my abilities...

Check us out at

Well Thats it For now
If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was.
Well till here then

To Be continued...