Saturday, December 20, 2008

What About Now?

I guess i had made a wrong move... i have nothing... nothing at all! What now?? The uncertainties is killing me... Why have i been trying too hard?? It has always been like this. Each time when i think that its right somehow it will always backfire in the end!!! Maybe Im just not cut for it... I barely know her and saying that i love her wasnt a right move or was it?? But isnt it how it supposed to go Love at first sight?? well maybe my theory of on handling this situation wrongly...

The only thing that im afraid is to loose her even before i can get to know her.. It may contradict or may not my other post but yeah! arghh...

im just hoping that her trip would be like a "cooling" or so called like i dunnoe just to make sure that everything is fine... this time i have to do it myself....

I cant always depend on my friend on my own life right?? though things are better now... somehow i still feel im alone in what me myself and i dont have the answer.. alone again? i hope it wont happen again or better still never!!

Cinta??? Apakah ada definisi yang terang bagi cinta??

Cinta tak kan datang kalau tidak dicari-

Cinta tak kan dapat kalau tidak memberi-

Hidup tanpa cinta bagai hidup tanpa cita-cita

Sudah berkali-kali aku tersilap langkah, bagi setiap langkah silap yang aku ambil aku akan terus lari tanpa menghiraukan kesan yang bakal aku tinggalkan dengan kesilapan aku itu... Apa yang harus ku lakukan ?? Ini kah masanya untuk ku hanya berdiam diri.. Aku tidak lagi layak untuk bersuara kerna kesilapan-kesilapan yang terlalu banyak yang telah ku lakukan..

Terima kasih semua.. Aku mohon ampun dan maaf bagi segala kesilapan ku itu..

Kenangku dalam doa kalian...

Well thats it for now

No matter what the post is about... How crappy it may sound...Deep in my heart... I will be waiting for you...hopes...

Well till here then

To be continued...