Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 eyy...

yup i know this post should have been up long ago...been quite lazy to update this blog of mine...

ok just get to the story shall we..

Whats 2008 for me???

New batch of Clts 54th wildcats...

NCC was my life for quite a few months

Then come the disaster part... Os came out.. the root of all problems for the year!
by far the most and probably the most shitty for me was my results... then comes the emoing and all... lucky for me i had Family,Frens, esp Wildcats and Fityan.. Back then WJLA hasnt been
born.. yet...

Next was the decision making.. Sec 5 or ITE??? yeah
for those who remembered this was by far the most stupid or should i say the silliest decision i ever made... 1stly i was like yeah Sec 5 gonna chiong and so call turn over a new leaf... I was living with this line


hah but guess wat its only like for a week or so.. when i was in sch my habits were stilll the same..

eg slping and daze away in class... came to a point i thought why the hack i stayed back... so when i got my place at ITE .. I was like ahh F-it .. ITE is my place.. and partially NCC that influence my decision.. NCC was still my life back then...
then come ITE .. i was like woow ok... do my time and just go.. then i was like ehh not that bad after all... as in easy life and im enjoying which is ok i think...
yeah then next up..

ADC finally a Supernumerary..

The usual emoing was still there i think...

yeah BFF was another part of my life...
A line that I could not forget.. Things could have been different if u told me earlier..
that kinda change my life a bit.. well not a bit its actually alot.. then i told myself.. well she is happy and with someone which is definately much betta.. so yeah.. i was like yeah.. her happiness is my happiness =)..
then BFF was it...

and i got a lil tiff with my other female bestfriend... Well we've been friends for like a decade or so.. since pri sch.. and by far the best femaile friend that i can talk too and all but somehow or rather i dont know why we had a lil miss understanding.. well now i thing the situation kinda solve and okay alrdy i think.. heh.. well i wouldnt want a decade of frenship gone.. thats something abt me i realise this year... i seriously treasure my frens alot..!!!

ok next KRX my 1st camp that i was the conduct overseas!.. that quite and achivement i think.. was a success.. thats where someone or i should call her Syurga lah.. aite.. well she was someone that kinda had a feel for but things couldnt happen. well something i learnt last year was i wasnt sure of my own feelings...


NCC achivement shall we?? haha

NCC Day Dinner NCC Ensign
55th COC Land Ensign
Change of Command GOH 2IC..
Adventure Training IC
West Council

well cant remember much ahh

ouh ya..

WJLA! born!! the 7 eligible bachelors.!!!
aahah by far the best for the year!!

then comes the 5dec incident i guess.. this was what kinda change me... for the year!! on this note.. i would like to thank my bros of WJLA!! well i settle it like finally to sholihin fiq hakim izuwan and all.. thnks!!

lets all hope 09 is a new year and things will be different...

to add on.. newly found hobby.. Starbucks/Coffee bean and One fullerton.. chill sat nites

to sum things up...

"In Life SHIT happens you can keep flush it away but when u run out of luck it will choke up and ReAL SHIT happens" think about it..

" No Sacrifice No Victory"

Thats 2008 for me.. well i thing i might miss out like alot of the key things that happen this is a rough idea of 2008!!

overall a shit year for me??

a date that i would not forget...
a date that i found the little wonders of earth.. think about it aites..

and yeah as usual

Well thats it for now

Don't confuse the simplicity of love with the complexity of yourself. Love is transcendence not perfection.

Till here then

To be Continued