Wednesday, January 14, 2009

wonders of life..

wow been ages since i step in here... hello to my readers if there is any.. hahx

Life been great and yet confusing plus a whole lot of obstacles that im encountering... but slowly im learning that emoing aint gonna solve the prblem.. that explain the reason why im updating.

secondly.. the reason why im in here and updating is hahx u know i know eyy..

Life been exceptionally great for me... although few minor setbacks and all with my grands illness its been quite hard for the family but alhamdullilah the family coping well now...

And sch been ok for me.. catching up and my exam date 9 march! how unfortunate.. suppose to be my campfeast but ahh cant.. sch is so much important...

Ok Jack-O suprise birthday party 1st i guess.. The whole idea came about when sool-o when for someones birthday party and so me and rafiq decided to like have our own too... and rafiiq gave the idea of giving our dear advisor a surprise birthday BBQ!!.. the whole plan was rather simple.. we had our own AI and all!! thats how the whole idea came abt and all.. and yeah the day came.. There were minor hiccups and all... like our timing as usual.. JANJI Melayu .. hahax yeah.. but then everything when on as planned! our 1st WJLA-O bbQ was a success... Look out ppl.. more WJLA-O activities ahead.. let the pictures explain the whole nite eyy... 

Right after this was my Family BBQ.. somehow i just cant get enough of BBQ rofl.. This time the family bbq had a lot of meaning to it... 1stly its been quite a while since my family(mum side) came down together and full strength and enjoy the night.. alhamdullilah everything was fine.. though there were series of unfortunate event.. but now things are doing just fine..  

with the recent events and all.. i feel like im now back to my own self putting aside the emoing and all.. i have found the reason to continue living... im finally doing my tasks.. and responsibility bestowed upon me.. i tried to keep myself composed and doing my best to prevent myself from irrational decision.. i learnt that live itself have alot in it.. and slowly i will and i must fine my path... As of today.. i believe im changing in a way... and i hope the change is for the better.. 

and I think i wont be updating much aite... =)


Ive told the story.

Hoping for a chance.

Hoping that love will prevail.

Ive never regret telling You my Feelings.


A date that I will not forget.


define love??

well thats it for now

The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else

well till here then

To be continue