Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Did i just...Nvm i'll wait...

Hello again...

trying to get the hang of blogging again... quite wierd nvm about that...

And results for Inter-Grasio... I lost badly 3-0... Same goes for my brother... well i think it maybe due to complacency and lack of training... still a good fight I guess... shall train harder next time... Next comp will be somewhere Aug i think not sure...

Right that went to Masjid for Fund Raising during syarahan... Reach at about 5 or so and hang around with fam and fique @ fityan Crib or soon to be... spend my whole nite at masjid... It was rather great... well reason being... each when im down and all... and when im at mosque its seem so peaceful... so relax and all... well maybe due to the company and all.. =)) 

Loving it...

Went Out to watch movie yesterday... Monster Vs Aliens... hmm okla... its funny but yeah ok... There are moral to it... Its just about being yourself and people will accept you ahaha yeah movie was great... 

Then we hanged around at Lot 1 'sky garden' just talk... anything under the sun. From the past to the present... I was really trying my very to make sure there wont be like those awkward silence... ouh ya ahahah i realise I tell who I went out with rite???hmm lets just name her N.

ya I asked N out for a movie she agrees to it and we went yesterday like i said earlier... Yellow was the colour for the day... dont ask me why... but yeah... as i was saying we chatted till like 6 plus made our way to Masjid Al-Khir for prayers then made our way back to Lot 1 to just chill... i did enjoy her company... im not sure whether she did but yeah I did... should do this again i hope? insyaallah... had milo and fries... then we decided make our way back... like i said... at FB

A Great Day Indeed... hmm

Just A smile and you stole my heart.

You told me your story I told you mine... well if  your not ready and all I understand and yeah i couldnt agree more with your stand and I respect that... But deep inside i know I have feelings for you and you  do too?  Maybe  you can take me as your special fren im not sure... but what i know i  will wait... maybe there are reasons why we met and all... yellow was an example yeah i know it was smthg small and insignificant... but hey truly ikhlas in being friends with you... thank you for telling me everything... apprieciated... thanks for your company too... I hope this wont effect wat we alrdy have now... each other... its a risk im taking but yeah i'll wait... and this time i really going to hold on to it... Insyaallah...

those three words

Ya Allah jika  dia adalah yang terbaik untuk dunia dan akhiratku,maka kekalkanlah hubungan kami,dan hubungkan kami dgn ikatan yang istimewa,dan biarlah ianya berkekalan selama2nya..Insyaallah... Jika sebaliknya,maka pisahkanlah kami,dan hubungkanlah kami dgn ikatan persahabatan tanpa aku merasa sedih... Amin

i was browising thru some vids...

Here are some of it that i would like to share...


well thats it for now

They say loving you gives pains and full of sacrifices But I'll rather take pains and lots of sacrifices than not to be love by you.

well till here then 

To be continued