Saturday, August 22, 2009


Its here... Finally... I get to meet THE month... Ramadhan! =)


Well all this while one thing was on my mind... what if I moved on before i could even meet THE month... what if i have met death before I could meet this month... MasyaAllah Nauzubillah..
This few days that was what on my mind... What if I die a few days back or just now... haizz..
InsyaAllah and I must make full use the opportunity given by Him... Amin...

What i have been up too lately??

In a nutshell

-Qiamulaill @ Almukminin

-Asian Youth Games =)

-My Birthday!!! 18



-Its all about Yellow Eyes Purple Smile

-National Day

-Cousin just got married.. Congrats Kak Adnin...

-And Another cousin of mine got married

-Fityan Assyakirin Night Cycling

-Fityan Exco Day Out!

Yellow Eyes Purple Smile

Awak tahu tak saya sayang awak... Awak sayang kat saya tk?...

You've been the only motivation for me since months ago... its been great having you around... well i told you how i felt... all the memories.... your my heart mind and soul... So I hope this isnt a dream at all.. InsyaAllah 020609, 080709, 190809

Ya Allah Jika Dia Benar Millikku Maka Satukan kami dengan ikatan yang istimewa... Jika tidak, sesungguhnya aku redha akan ketentuanmu...


well thats it for now

Mengapakah dunia yang dikejari, Sedangkan ia kan ditinggal pergi, Apalah gunanya harta disisi, Tika jasad terkaku terkubur mati.

well till here then

To be continue